Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Overpriced Tomato Sauce At The Tuckshop

When I first started writing this blog, I told myself that this is just for the light stuff, like what I did today and who my favourite current artists are. However, there are times where I just feel like to vent to no-one in particular but still leave my thoughts out there, vulnerable and.....just there. I'M NOT A WRITER. I JUST VENT AND RANT SOMETIMES AND IT FEELS NICE. I like to tell myself that I'm basically just talking to Jesus, and writing this all down in a blog lets me do that, along with allowing other randoms to be involved. I'm not sure if I'm going to look back at the URL in a few years and feel completely ashamed of my 17-year-old ranting, but I do know that it will be funny to look back on and laugh at how weird I was/am.

The people I feel closest to could be numbered off with one hand and even then, I barely see them because I live so far away. When you have a little too much time on your own, it gives you heaps of time to think and grow lonely. Again, yes I have Jesus but personally as an extrovert, I feel myself going slightly insane from the lack of interaction with my pals. My new friends at uni don't know me inside-out yet and at a lot of the time, there really isn't anyone to talk about deeper things with. Maybe I'm feeling this way because my three best friends have been overseas for the past three weeks and I've been all by myself haha. This all sounds ridiculous and petty but I r e a l l y j u s t m i s s m y f r i e n d s. I miss seeing everyone everyday at school without having to make any effort. I miss the oval and Sarah's tuna lunch. I miss the overpriced tuckshop that kept upping the price of tomato sauce by like 20 cents every year. I miss being excited for a class I had with a boy that I liked (THERE I SAID IT). I miss uniforms and bucket hats and kings socks and and the school bell. Far out, I even miss assemblies when Mrs Bevan would address the issue of vermin in the school. You would probably tell me to move on, and yes, that's what I'm doing but i guess it makes sense to miss the things you've been used to for so long. School is not a dungeon, a hell hole or a prison. When people say "you don't know what you've got til it's gone", they're spot on.