Tuesday, 12 August 2014

I Miss You

I have been told that "in life, people will disappoint you". This has never been so true. Sometimes, people who you thought would stick through and come out the winner end up being the ones who give in. It sucks to see this happen to some of my closest friends. As a recently graduated student who is still trying to find her feet and calling in life, I don't have many tight friends who are on the same page as me to be completely honest. Its a proven fact that you will really only see about 1% of your high school friends once you're out of school and its a lonely time. The only people I ever know are the ones who are at the same church as me, or at my uni. I have a few uni friends but they are from all different places and it's hard to find things in common when you don't really believe in the same thing. 

This all doesn't mean that I have stopped loving my drifting friends, or am judging them for their wrongs. I just miss the way they used to be when they were with Jesus and now i find it more and more difficult to relate to them because we're just not on the same page. Nonetheless, every single one of my friends who have taken different paths in life are still incredible people who have so much potential to change the world. It just sucks that these things get in the way of it.

I know that God knows whats going on with everything and that He would want me to trust His will. Its just hard when I feel quite alone (especially with my three best friends in Japan at the moment) and disconnected. I feel like more people in my life are floating away than coming in. Out of everything, I know that Jesus is my ultimate friend (ha lame, but true) and that He has and never will let me down. I guess we will just have to see where this life is headed.