So long vertical hill starts, blue-and-brick units, 6 million speed bumps and 10 kph limits. As frustrating as my former complex regulations are, I am really going to miss living in one of the best cities in the world - where the only thing separating the ocean and the hinterland is a couple of kilometres, where the weather goes from good to perfect in a matter of days and where the company is more than what you could ever ask for. Over the past few years of living on the Gold Coast, I've met so many incredible people, learnt things that will be of great use for the rest of my life, from skating to Pythagoras and have discovered who I am and what I love. New seasons and changes are scary, but I know that this city is a place I can always call home.
Yeah, so I'm only moving about an hour away from here and I will be back every week for church and youth, but i'm really going to miss living only fifteen minutes away from the beach and being able to see my best of friends every week for half-price froyo.
I guess no matter where I go from here and no matter who I meet or what I do, there's a whole new journey ahead of me and I'm pretty excited to see what awaits for me!