SOOO Semester One of my first year at Uni is coming to a close (although I still have two-and-a-half more assignments to complete) and I must say, it has been an interesting experience so far. I know that there are quite a few more semesters to go in my study life, but from what I have endured, it's not half as bad as some people make it out to be. Sure, the work load is quite extensive and assignments do pile up, but if we are looking at the positive side of things in this scenario, I'd say that I have thoroughly enjoyed what I've been learning and I'm actually glad to be studying what I'm studying.
As for the social side, I've come across lots of different, cool people who I don't think I would've ever met in any other way, except through Uni. The people you meet here are from all over the place (myself included) and it's awesome to meet other fellow humans who are passionate about the same things as you.
Uni is way different to school because everything is done in semesters, and we enrol into different units every semester. I might not be in the same units as the people who I was with this semester, which kinda sucks because it feels like 13 weeks wasn't long enough to get to know people. Also, there are people that you wish you kinda got to know while you were in the same class but now the class has ended and your chance is gone (I don't know if i will ever be able to exchange greetings with that nice dude in my sound design tute again). Of course, this isn't the end. I know that there are hundreds more people to meet over the next three years and it will all be sweeeeeet.