Saturday, 6 September 2014

I LIKE: Vancouver Sleep Clinic

I really do believe that some of the world's most ridiculously talented human beings originate from Brisbane, and I don't usually compliment cities that often. Especially Brisbane. In a previous post, I established that I'm not a super-pro-music reviewer-type-person and I will remain true to that claim. However, I know that when I really, really like something, I will try my hardest to put the fanciest words I know together to give it the slightest bit of justice it deserves. 

I've had this pretty song called 'Vapour' on my phone by an artist who goes by the title of Vancouver Sleep Clinic, for quite a while now (I found him on Triple J - where I find all the good stuff) but I only got around to listening to his EP tonight after a Spotify haul, followed by purchasing the album on iTunes (that's when you know that you reeeeally like it). It is honestly one of the most beautiful things I ever did hear. Reminiscent, reflective,  and strikingly atmospheric (my new favourite word which I have used about 50000 times in my sound design assignment) - the kind of vibes that take you to a whole new place. I love how beautifully he ties acoustics together with the dreamiest synth pads, melodies and killer falsetto (look, I'm trying here). The builds are unpredictable but so perfectly arranged that you feel like you're soaring or driving on an open road at sunset. I've gotta be honest and say that I have been going through an evocative-themed, electronic music phase at the moment (eg. Porter Robinson, Japanese Wallpaper, VSC, M83) which may have been slightly influenced by all the sound design, electronic music stuff that I'm learning at uni. I don't think it's a bad thing though. If anything, it has only inspired me more. I totally wish I could produce music that beautiful haha. If you like your life and love this sort of goodness, you really should look up Vancouver Sleep Clinic, like, right now. I've run out words and smart-music-lingo from my extremely limited vocab so do yourself and everyone you love a favour, and look up VANCOUVER SLEEP CLINICCCCC. Oi, i'll even post the SoundCloud link below if you're too lazy to type the words in on Google. But honestly, no one should ever be that lazy.