Tonight marks the first night in three months that I've been able to wear shorts to bed........ITS SPRING!!! No more frosty mornings and heat lights (they're really quite a luxury), cold toilet seats and pitch black 6:00 AMs! I have almost forgotten what spring feels like so I'm glad that winter only goes for three months. Last winter, I listed some of my favourite things about that season so I guess there's nothing more appropriate than to present to you my Spring faves:
- Not having to wear trackies to bed
- Warmer air
- Flowers
- Temperature warm enough to stand outside at night, but not enough for 9278259 mosquitoes to suck the life out of you
- Longer days
- That spring sky
- Skating with no shoes
- Awakening from hibernation
- Exposure of knee caps - ripped jeans don't count
- Seasonal fruits yeeeeew
I love how seasons go for long enough to be able to appreciate the next one that's coming around the corner. May your Spring be sweeeeet.