Monday, 29 September 2014

This Massive World

I catch a train almost every day of the week to uni and everytime I do, I always see different faces. However, there is this one instance where I have seen the same guy every Monday for a few weeks now. He hops on the train a few stops after me and he has a nice face and also goes to my uni as well. That's all. Yeah it's tragic, I know. 

I have often caught myself taking a step back to ponder on the vastness of life, but I have never actually taken into account of how crazy huge this universe really is. How ridiculous is it to realise that you might never see the most of the faces you have crossed paths with, ever again? The thousands that pass by you everyday is just an infinitesimal fraction of what the rest of the world has to offer, yet that itself is overwhelming to comprehend. As many as there are, each stranger has a soul, a story, a first love, a bad habit and a dream. Every individual you have ever sighted has been hurt, one way or another. If their scars could speak, they would probably tell you stories. Despite the enormity of souls you see everyday, there are still people that you may have noticed, double-looked or even communicated with. Have you ever wondered if people notice you, just as much as you may notice other strangers you come across? You could be someone's 'Tuesday guy' or 'busway girl' or 'uni dude', just as much as that stranger is that 'Monday Richlands guy' to you (or me hahahahahahha...haha..ha). You may see them again, you may not. I think that's one of the tiny perks of life - not knowing who you're going to meet next. It's kind of liberating in a way, as it gives you another reason to let yourself be free without caring what people think about you (unless they end up being your workmate or tutor or something unfortunate - which has not happened to me thank goodness). It's a wild time.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

I LIKE: Vancouver Sleep Clinic

I really do believe that some of the world's most ridiculously talented human beings originate from Brisbane, and I don't usually compliment cities that often. Especially Brisbane. In a previous post, I established that I'm not a super-pro-music reviewer-type-person and I will remain true to that claim. However, I know that when I really, really like something, I will try my hardest to put the fanciest words I know together to give it the slightest bit of justice it deserves. 

I've had this pretty song called 'Vapour' on my phone by an artist who goes by the title of Vancouver Sleep Clinic, for quite a while now (I found him on Triple J - where I find all the good stuff) but I only got around to listening to his EP tonight after a Spotify haul, followed by purchasing the album on iTunes (that's when you know that you reeeeally like it). It is honestly one of the most beautiful things I ever did hear. Reminiscent, reflective,  and strikingly atmospheric (my new favourite word which I have used about 50000 times in my sound design assignment) - the kind of vibes that take you to a whole new place. I love how beautifully he ties acoustics together with the dreamiest synth pads, melodies and killer falsetto (look, I'm trying here). The builds are unpredictable but so perfectly arranged that you feel like you're soaring or driving on an open road at sunset. I've gotta be honest and say that I have been going through an evocative-themed, electronic music phase at the moment (eg. Porter Robinson, Japanese Wallpaper, VSC, M83) which may have been slightly influenced by all the sound design, electronic music stuff that I'm learning at uni. I don't think it's a bad thing though. If anything, it has only inspired me more. I totally wish I could produce music that beautiful haha. If you like your life and love this sort of goodness, you really should look up Vancouver Sleep Clinic, like, right now. I've run out words and smart-music-lingo from my extremely limited vocab so do yourself and everyone you love a favour, and look up VANCOUVER SLEEP CLINICCCCC. Oi, i'll even post the SoundCloud link below if you're too lazy to type the words in on Google. But honestly, no one should ever be that lazy.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

First-year Uni Rookie

This year has gone crazy fast. I am about half way through my first year of university already! After years of thinking that I wasn't going to start uni straight after school, I find myself sitting in the library watching 'Hey Arnold' and listening to Japanese Wallpaper whilst waiting to go to my next tutorial. It's funny to think that nothing really ever goes how you expect it to go, and that's alright. I had a really nice coffee catch up today with one of my friends who is about to finish her law degree at the end of this year! The days are so, so short. I have definitely learnt a lot of things this year (so far): academically, socially, mentally and spiritually. For starters, I never knew that I had the capacity to pull an all-nighter til 5:30am (on the day my assignment was due), take a 2 hour power nap and get back up at 7:30am to complete the assignment at 11am, go to uni, submit it at 3pm and crash for 5 hours afterwards! To justify myself, it was a very extensive assignment that I didn't leave til the last minute! Here are some more things i've learnt/discovered about myself over the course of this year at the moment (there are still a few months to go but I've completed most of this year anyway so why not).

1. Packed lunches are good for your health and bank account
Sometimes it's nice to be a little fancy and grab a burger or something from the local food alley at uni, but spending about $10 a day on food, everyday (and I have uni 4 days a week) begins to get painful, especially if you're studying more than you're working. I know it's common sense, but packing your own lunch is really so much better than forking out $$$ for a meal that will sustain you for about 3-5 hours. It may require you to get up a little earlier in the morning to chuck together some salad or a sandwich but you won't regret pocketing that extra $10 to invest into something more meaningful (like your future children or an in-ground trampoline). And bring your own water bottle! 

2. Check your emails!
There is quite literally nothing more inconvenient than rocking up to a class that has been cancelled, especially when it's the only class you have that day. Tutors usually email their students a few days in advance if there won't be a class on so its good to check at least once a day. I made the rookie mistake of coming to a class that wasn't on and spent three hours watching random videos in the library.

3. Uni is not the place to find your potential suitor
At uni, you will cross paths with some individuals who were blessed with quite pleasing aesthetics. This doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to marry them hahaahahahaha. People come from all over the place and have very different backgrounds, beliefs and standards of morality so it will be quite rare to meet someone that ticks all your boxes. There are also so so so so many people at uni, so the people you see around are probably only a fraction of your entire uni population (people have classes at night too, yuck). Besides, remember that you are at uni to study!! QUT cuties and Harvard hunks for another time in life (Harvard isn't even in Australia what the heck).

4. Group work is challenging
There are two things that most humans do not particularly enjoy - country music and group work. For my uni degree, a lot of my assessments are done in groups (and thankfully not exams, or else I would be working full-time at maccas right now) and it has brought out sides of me that I didn't even know existed. For most of my school life, I always thought I was that chilled, just-go-with-it kind of person when it comes to these things, but recently i've found that i'm actually a bit of a psycho. It's scary. Like, who even am I anymore. Every single one of my subjects are predominantly based on group work this semester and it's been really interesting so far! It's allowed me to meet more people, some people that I definitely would never of met if I wasn't doing these assignments with them and I actually don't mind it. However, things do begin to get difficult when group member X doesn't do their part and you're freaking out because it's due in less than a week and so on. Overall, it's a real character building experience.

5. Take full advantage of your uni's facilities
I don't mean stealing some toilet paper and taking it home so you don't have to buy your own, take advantage of the resources like books, exclusive-access sites, equipment and softwares. For my sound design subject, we get to use a music computer lab with music producing softwares and equipment like MIDI keyboards and microphones etc, that would be quite expensive if you had to buy them yourself! You're paying for your degree anyway so you might as well just use what they've provided to it's full capacity.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Hello Spring

Tonight marks the first night in three months that I've been able to wear shorts to bed........ITS SPRING!!! No more frosty mornings and heat lights (they're really quite a luxury), cold toilet seats and pitch black 6:00 AMs! I have almost forgotten what spring feels like so I'm glad that winter only goes for three months. Last winter, I listed some of my favourite things about that season so I guess there's nothing more appropriate than to present to you my Spring faves:
  • Not having to wear trackies to bed
  • Warmer air
  • Flowers
  • Temperature warm enough to stand outside at night, but not enough for 9278259 mosquitoes to suck the life out of you
  • Longer days
  • That spring sky
  • Skating with no shoes
  • Awakening from hibernation
  • Exposure of knee caps - ripped jeans don't count
  • Seasonal fruits yeeeeew
I love how seasons go for long enough to be able to appreciate the next one that's coming around the corner. May your Spring be sweeeeet.