"I wonder how many people I've looked at all my life and never seen."
~ John Steinbeck ~
It constantly astounds me to think that I could be standing in a jam-packed train, shopping centre or stadium, yet not know a single person that stands a breath away from me - we're all strangers to each other. The other day (this phrase can range from yesterday to a few months a go, but that's not important), I found myself sitting in a train at peak hour on my way home from Uni. Commuting between two cities gives your more than enough time to think about random things. I found it amusing how the most instant human reaction when boarding a train or public vehicle, is to dibs that pair of vacant seats without the fear of having to sit within a 3 metre radius of a stranger. Of course, it's not that big of a problem when the train is full and you eventually have to give in to someone but usually two spare seats is so much more preferred than feeling the radiating body warmth of the person next to you.
I know I can't really say much myself and I am guilt of feeling that wave of sheer relief when a stranger passes by the spare seat next to me, but it is quite interesting to see how we limit and restrict ourselves to what we find comfortable to us, which usually doesn't go beyond interacting with our friends and families. It makes me wonder how many people have actually considered starting a conversation with the anonymous individual beside them. Even a smile or a subtle implication of "hey, wanna be my new friend?" kinda thing. We don't often realise this, but there might be so much to discover. There could be a whole new dimension within this mysterious soul in loafers and a pair of sunnies. Where are they from? Where are they heading? Who are they seeing? What are their interests? Are they in love? Where have they been? What have they accomplished? You never really know what kind of a connection you could be making, just by taking the initiative of saying hello. Just thinking about this makes me wonder myself, of how different this world could be if we one day decide to reel down our walls and step out of what we are familiar with. Maybe it could save a life. Maybe it could revolutionise humanity. I guess you never really know.