Friday, 20 February 2015

And I'm Back In The Game (almost)

HEY HELLO HI WASSUP. The blog lives on! I've been pretty slack with posting lately (like really slack - like 2 months of straight up nothing) but all is well in the world because I'm going back to Uni next week and hopefully there will be things to write about from that! Being on uni holidays for 4+ months really gets you used to having no set routine and as bad as it sounds, it gets pretty comfortable. Unfulfilling, but definitely comfortable. I've loved being on holidays but I'm quite ready to get back into the swing of things. Theres only so much drink-making, burger-serving I can take. Working in a high-stress environment with lots of people really challenges you and brings out stuff that you were never aware of - both good and bad. In all honesty, this break has seriously been just what I needed. It has really given me a chance to take a step back, inhale and exhale a few times and check out where I am at the moment. I've learnt a lot about who I am (good and bad, again), what my main purpose is and who Jesus is to me. It's been good. I'm ready to face the world again and take on whatever tries to body slam me. I don't even know if I'm ready but I'm willing to be a little light.