Wednesday, 10 June 2015


The title of this post is really quite irrelevant to the actual post - it's actually just the title of a song I'm listening to right now by BRONCHO. I haven't posted anything on here for a while as it's been a pretty hectic few months/weeks of uni BUT NOW I'M ON HOLIDAYS AND LIFE IS SUDDENLY BETTER (but it has always been pretty sweet in the first place anyway). This is really a 'dip your toes in the water and warm up to everything again' kind of post because 1) theres nothing in particular that I have to say and 2) its 1:04 am and I don't think it would be safe to attempt to write on some profound topic about life and stuff that my brain isn't very capable of articulating at this time 3) I haven't written anything in about 2 months! 

Well to make this post semi worthy of your precious reading time (to the 1.5 persons that read this including myself), I thought i'd mention that I'm officially halfway through my degree YESSSSSS. Three semesters/ one and a half more years to go. NOW I CAN SAY THAT IM CLOSER TO FINISHING THAN STARTING AND THAT IS A VERY NOT BAD THING. Its great. I've slowly been finding and discovering more of what I love and it's been really fun. The Lord's favour has been pretty crazy and I am so grateful. A few months ago, I started working for this business that a cool couple from my church used to own and it specialises in event styling and visual merchandising. Its a really cool job (even though I only work occasionally as a casual) and more relevant to what i'd actually like to head towards in the future of my career. I love hands-on kind of stuff that gets you thinking creatively, not so much intellectually because that hurts my brain and makes me bored as heck. The job has taken me around Brisbane so far, setting up weddings, receptions, installs and events. It's so coooooollll. I've been loving it. Maccas goes aight as well, but definitely just to make ends meet as a student at the moment. I have a goal to be outta there by the end of the year (the only solid goal i have really set for myself at the moment). The people I work with are all pretty cool though - so many different individuals from all over Brisbane. SO THATS THAT.....its a good life.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Will The Jesus Followers Please Stand Up

I'm not really one to post a super heavy thought, nor am I one to be able to communicate something efficiently over text, but this matter of concern has been something that i've been pretty shaken up about (and much, much more) over the past week. This issue is that Christians (or 'christians') are baaaaasically applauding souls down to Hell. Thats not a good thing. Yes, love is a fundamental part of our journey, but sometimes, the line between love and compromise is thin and sometimes not even considered. 

We are now living in a society where basically everything but following Jesus is normal. Everything is being accepted and sin is no longer a rag, but a designer jacket. Things like homosexuality and abortion are becoming deemed as acceptable, even encouraged and a lot of people are just taking it. Christians are no different. Encouraging someone that being homosexual is 'who they are'? Like I said, sin is a designer jacket. It may be on us but it's never who we are. I'm wearing a t-shirt that has the name of my university but that doesn't make me one of the bricks in the library building, or a pillar that supports the balcony. In Matthew 18:6, it says that 'If anyone causes these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a millstone tied around his neck and to be drowned at the bottom of the sea'. YOU'RE LITERALLY KILLING THEM WITH YOUR 'KINDNESS'. I believe this also applies to those who are deceived as well. If you were assigned to direct a blind person where to walk, you would not tell them to keep walking straight if you knew that they were heading toward the edge of a cliff, just because it's easiest to keep clapping them on and say "yep,you're doing well. Just keep walking". No way. How much more valuable is an eternal soul than an earthly, short-lived life? If Christians understood that the purpose of our lives is not to pursue happiness but holiness, yes we would be hated even more but maybe we'd be seeing a few more souls in heaven and not hell??? 

One thing that I feel to make clear though is that correction is not condemnation, nor is it judgement or hate. If anything, it surpasses any form of 'love' and 'acceptance' because if you truly love someone, you would want to steer them from something that will kill them. I have a few homosexual friends that I love so much, but I don't endorse the sin and i'd take any given opportunity to share Jesus with them. I think it's doable. To love with wisdom and without compromise.

This is just something that I hope a genuine, righteous-pursuing Jesus follower would be able to relate to. I really believe we are entering in to a time (if not, already at a time) where God is truly separating the falsies from His people. I don't mean to say that in any way, shape or form of superiority but look, the time of pretending and cruising in the easy lane is over. 

Sunday, 29 March 2015

I LIKE: Japanese Wallpaper

I am a fan of local/national/homegrown talent and Triple J is really good with keeping Australia and the world on top of the goods that are being produced in this country. Melbourne-based 'Japanese Wallpaper' is probably one of my current/potentially all-time faves that I've loved since they won the Triple J' Unearthed High contest thingo last year. The mastermind, music virtuoso behind the beats is this 17-year-old dude who seriously tears it up and kinda makes me feel a little bit inadequate with what I've done with my life so far, but also slightly hopeful at the fact that you're never too young to produce incredible sounds. 

SO HIS SOUND - I'd say ambient, dreamy, chilled, nostalgic electronica. Think 80's gradients, winter skies and neon signage. It makes me think of moments that you will remember for a long time. He's got a reoccurring motif of beautiful, crisp, delicate melodies going on throughout most of his pieces which pretty much defines his aesthetic. I really like it. It's sweet, uncomplicated yet so cleverly constructed. It's the kind of style thats so underrated and drowned out by all the generic, mediocre, predictable EDM around. 

My personal favourites of his is 'Between Friends' and 'Forces' and he also does a really sweet remix of 'PiƱata' by another homegrown talent known as Montgomery. Do yourself a favour and add him to your winter soundtrack. Or your life soundtrack. You're so welcome.

Friday, 20 February 2015

And I'm Back In The Game (almost)

HEY HELLO HI WASSUP. The blog lives on! I've been pretty slack with posting lately (like really slack - like 2 months of straight up nothing) but all is well in the world because I'm going back to Uni next week and hopefully there will be things to write about from that! Being on uni holidays for 4+ months really gets you used to having no set routine and as bad as it sounds, it gets pretty comfortable. Unfulfilling, but definitely comfortable. I've loved being on holidays but I'm quite ready to get back into the swing of things. Theres only so much drink-making, burger-serving I can take. Working in a high-stress environment with lots of people really challenges you and brings out stuff that you were never aware of - both good and bad. In all honesty, this break has seriously been just what I needed. It has really given me a chance to take a step back, inhale and exhale a few times and check out where I am at the moment. I've learnt a lot about who I am (good and bad, again), what my main purpose is and who Jesus is to me. It's been good. I'm ready to face the world again and take on whatever tries to body slam me. I don't even know if I'm ready but I'm willing to be a little light.