Thursday, 24 July 2014

Grey Beanies And Vintage Sia

It's been a while since I've blogged, and to be honest, I haven't really been bothered (as you can tell). I am on a train at the moment, heading down to the coast for the weekly youth worship meet and catch up with some of the best of friends. I have a sore back because I went for a run yesterday (PTL) and I think I did something no good because it still hurts til now. 

I've had this mother Teresa quote on my wall for a few weeks now and every time I read it, it's like a refreshing reminder of my purpose here on earth. It constantly makes me realise that nothing that I do here is for the approval of man, but the exhalation of Jesus. Specifically, it's made me realise that people may take these trips I take to the Gold Coast for granted and don't realise how frustrating it is, which makes me frustrated but I feel reassured that He knows what im doing and that's all that really matters. People will never see or understand some things that only you know the feeling of, but wait, that doesn't even matter because we are not placed on this earth to receive sympathy and pity from others.